Group Dynamcs and Generational Workforce Expert Deanne DeMarco Helps Your Company Solve Team Problems
Your Teams Can Do Better! Productive Cohesive Teams Help You Create the Competitive Advantage!
Are you Dealing With Team Conflict- within your team or across several teams?
Is your team wasting time on politics, or the wrong projects and issues?
Are you Frustrated with the lack of Employee Engagement?
Solve Team Problems Now!
As as mediator Deanne inspires, encourages and challenges your team to put effective strategies into action to improve team performance for all generations in the workforce. The success of her workshops and consulting services is based on her 25 years of leadership experience, original research in the areas of conflict, team dynamics, and generational workplace changes.
One of her original research projects was a comprehensive study of 3,000 working Millennials; “Motivation Study of Working Millennials in the Workplace.” In this study, she discovered important aspects of their attitudes about work and their supervisors and how they compare to other generations in the workforce.
Key findings…
- The #1 Key to Millennial job satisfaction that reduces turnover? Trust!
- Leader’s ROLE is changing. Past ways of leading and Managing NO LONGER WORK!
- And the biggest surprise? It is NOT about the Perks and NOT about the money that KEEPS them working for a company! It is the culture!
If you’re a corporate executive or HR manager tasked with cutting down Millennial Job Hopping, read The High Cost of Millennials in the Workplace. And click over for insights on the Myths, Misconceptions and Truths About Millennials in the Workforce, including 5 Tips for Working With Millennials in the Workforce.
The Time is Now
If you want: Team Problems Solved Now- improved employee engagement, reduced turnover, and reduced workplace conflict Call Deanne Today!
Your Team Can Gain a competitive advantage, call Deanne today at 708-836-0118.
The call is free. The results may last a lifetime!
Call now! 708-836-0118
Great Speaker! I would recommend Deanne and will tell all my friends and colleagues.
Deanne is an excellent speaker. She gave relevant examples and put information into context that was very appropriate and relevant to apply immediately.
Business Workshops and Motivational Speaking
In the multi-generational business workforce, many companies are looking for ways to bring the latest information affecting talent, collaboration, and cohesive workplace teams into focus…specifically to prepare your company for 21st- century challenges.
Deanne’s speeches and workshops are designed to do just that. With humor and real-world stories, she creates those ah-ha moments that ignite ideas into action.
Organizations today have shifting attitudes, new technologies, and changing workplace demographics, which often lead to gaps in understanding best practices for engagement, collaboration, and creating cohesive work teams. Deanne helps you work through the ideas and approaches that are best suited to meet your organization’s changing needs.
A cohort of Generation X, Generation Y ( Millennial), and Gen i ( Generation Z) are poised to take control as Baby Boomers finally let go and retire. Yet, Xers, Millennials and Gen i, don’t buy into the rigid organizational practices of old. Generation X, Generation Y ( Millennial), and now Gen i ( or Gen Z) see the workplace and how it is run differently. The changing organizational focus is on context not structure, with attention to empowering people with great ideas to make meaningful contributions.
All my keynote speaking engagements and business workshops are customized to the specific needs and interests of your group. Presentations can be delivered as a keynote of 60-90 minutes or an interactive business workshop of 3-6 hours. For workshops, I have developed a number of fun and popular-group exercises which are designed to encourage participation, a rich discussion, learning and real-world application.
Deanne, I learned the concept and strategy of WOW from your keynote talk years ago. I had to tell you that I am still using it as a part of my personal goal setting and in working with others. I have found WOW is a powerful and empowering concept, yet simple with short term, quick results. In my work as a school principal and college adjunct professor, I continue to share the strategy and invite others to join in. I totally believe that if you want to take charge of your life, implement WOW and experience the desired results within one week. Thank you, Deanne.
Book Deanne today at 708-836-0118.
Deanne DeMarco was excellent! I enjoyed her session. Great energy, and information. She raised my awareness about how I may solve some of the challenges that I experience with my direct reports.

Don’t Throw Your Money Away… learn how to create the competitive edge with your multi-generational workforce teams today!
Do You Want …..
More Accountability
More Trust
More Employee Engagement
More Teamwork
Less Turnover
Organizations seek out Deanne to:
- Solve Team Problems! Deanne works department teams, and inter-departmental team problems.
- Up-date management and leadership skills (FYI: The old blah, blah, blah, command and control skills are outdated and no longer work). Managers must learn how to “partner and influence” with today’s multi-generational workforce.
- Help create corporate cultures where people WANT to work!
- Stop Turnover and Job-hopping.
- Decrease team conflict.
- Facilitate and develop cohesive Executive teams, that are grounded in high levels of trust and accountability. Teams that have a focus on bottom-line results.
- Business keynote speaker for company retreats, business meetings, and association meetings.
- Deanne DeMarco is a Generational and Communication Workforce Team Dynamics Expert. Helping you to future-proof your business and workplace teams.
Some of Deanne Clients
Motivational Business Keynote Speaker
USA or Internationally, Deanne Travels out of Chicago
Business Workshop Trainer
All of Deanne’s workshops are developed and customized programs based on specific organizational needs. As an authority on the changing workforce and generations at work, Deanne helps clients to create a corporate culture where people want to work. Her workshops often focus on developing cohesive teams, reducing turnover, reducing unhealthy conflict, while improving communication, collaboration and accountability.
Conflict Mediator or Facilitator
Solve Team Problems NOW! As a conflict mediator, Deanne works with teams in conflict, departments in conflict, and inter-departmental conflicts (like sales and operations). Deanne has also worked with CRO medical and research groups. If your teams have problems CALL DEANNE TODAY!

Deanne DeMarco
Training Magazine recognized Deanne’s muli-generational team program as a top 10 training program for managers and leaders