My second guest on this week’s episode of Today’s Inspiring Women, Linda Byars Swindling, JD, CSP, also made a major career switch. In her case she went from the courtroom to the boardroom. Formerly an attorney and partner by the age of 30 at a major law firm, she became an author and entrepreneurial workplace negotiator.
Linda, whose latest book “Stop Complainers and Energy Drainers; How To Negotiate Work Drama To Get More Done,” was published by Wiley, is now an accomplished keynote speaker, executive coach, and strategic consultant.
Linda is president of Journey On, her Dallas-based, woman-owned business that customizes training programs, strategic consulting and executive coaching. She is also the author of the popular “Passports to Success” series, which offers thirteen titles on workplace and communication issues including “Get What You Want,” “Say It Right,” At Your Service,” and “Set The Standard.”
Be sure to tune in tomorrow to hear more from Linda and C.G. and how they made their passions work for them.