
Lead the Way

Are you a good or a great leader? Leadership is not a fad or temporary activity. Also the challenge to be a great leader is constant. Teams, organizations, groups all need someone to step up and take the lead. Are you going to be that leader? The key question for...

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Clear Communication

How often do you speak to people on a day to day basis? How do you communicate.... face to face, phone, e-mail, reports, presentations, text, IM? Think about it.... we communicate in team meetings, with clients, peers, family and friends. We spend most of our day...

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Quote and Action

Motivational QUOTE     "The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you"              - Max DePree      Your action for today is to thank someone for something specific that they have done.  

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Be a More Confident Speaker

Whether you are speaking at a team meeting, making a formal presentation, or accepting an award, the ability to speak confidently, and be understood is important.  The good news is that public speaking skills can be learned. And with a little practice your ability to...

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Now is the Time

On December 31st people around the globe were counting down the hours, then minutes then seconds to ring in the new year. So my question for you is: Are you ready for 2015? What is your plan? Do you have a road map in place to reach your goals this year?   You counted...

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Professional Motivational Keynote Speaker & Business Speaker

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