Speaking / Keynotes

Inspiring, Energetic, Passionate, and Funny… that’s what audiences are saying about Deanne DeMarco.

Do You Want….

    * More Accountability

    * More Trust

    * More Loyalty

   * More Teamwork

STOP the revolving door of turnover, job-hopping, and Create a Culture Where People Want to Work!

Deanne DeMarco is a multi-award-winning Motivational Business Keynote Speaker, Generational Workforce Expert, Researcher, Author, and master Story-teller. Specializing in multi-generational workplace issues, she addresses how to reduce job-hopping, decrease conflict, motivate, and improve communication. Deanne is known for her high-energy, no-nonsense approach, actionable tools, and the use of REAL-World stories. She encourages participants to explore new mindsets, laugh, adjust a few attitudes and learn to manage and lead more effectively.

Her practical and proven techniques have helped clients across the country to improve morale, inspire loyalty, reduce job-hopping, reduce unhealthy conflict, and improve communication so that teams work together for unstoppable success. In her original generational workplace research, she has learned what it takes to make the new generational workforce of millennials happy, motivated and keep them from job-hopping.

Invite Deanne to inspire, encourage, and challenge your team to put goals into action, improve team performance, reduce job-hopping, and raise the bottom line.

Deanne’s programs can be delivered as a one hour keynote, half-day, full- day or multi-day in-depth workshop.

Business Keynote Programs

Generations @ Work

Strategies for Working Synergistically Together

The New Workforce:

Change, Challenge, Adapt

– Boomers are retiring…. How will you fill the gap?

– Millennials in the workforce are demanding more flexibility, more engagement, and more meaning.


Some organizations will WIN…. others will LOSE. The choice is yours. Complain or adapt. Bottom-Line: Those companies who embrace the New Workforce will be Victorious.


Legendary cultures start with a commitment to building a workforce on a foundation of trust, reducing unhealthy conflcit, and nuturing mutual accountabiity. The dynamics of four generations employed at the same time creates new challenges for today’s workplace managers. When organizations learn how to bridge the multi-generational gap and create a positive corporate culture, they maintain a higher retention rate, stop job hopping and improve productivity.


Cohesive teams are productive teams, Working better together starts by learning how to work synergistically together across a muti-generational workforce.


In this fast paced, interactive presentation, learn how to bridge the multi-generational gap.  This session is full of ideas and implementable actions that attendees can put into practice immediately. “Generations @ Work” gives you the tools you need to succeed. Be among the first in learning how to use the just released, multi-generational motivation research.


Learn to…..

    • Communicate better across the the four generations by implementing immediately- actionable strategies
    • Create a foundation of trust to help stop the revolving door of turnover and job hopping
    • Prevent unhealthy conflict by avoiding negative communication triggers
    • Improve performance using motivational strategies for today’s workforce

If you want to create cohesive multi-generational teams, this program is definitely for you.


Available as a 60-90 minute keynote, half-day or full-day workshop

You’re Driving Me Crazy!

Strategies for Improved Workplace Communication


Dealing with difficult people in today’s workforce is a challenge for all of us. Does your communication style get in the way of connecting in a meaningful way with others? Working with leaders, co-workers, clients, vendors, or even family members who think and communicate diferently than you, can make them difficult and a challenge. Learn the strategies in working with the difficult people in your life. In this fast paced, humorous keynote you’ll learn the secrets in working with and communicating more effectively with the difficult people in your workplace.


Working better together starts by knowing how you like to communicate, which will prepare you to deal with other personality styles. When you communicate do you prefer to:

                                              * Decide       * Influence      * Support     * Challenge


This session is full of ideas, interactions, and implementable actions that attendees can put into practice immediately. “You’re Driving Me Crazy” gives you the tools you need to communicate more successfully and work more cohesively.


Participants will be able to ….

  • Increase communication effectiveness through awareness of strengths and advantages
  • Engage in productive conflict discussions using a specific approach for each style
  • Boost interpersonal engagement and interaction based on authentic action
  • Know how to effectively communicate with style differences
  • Understanding yourself and others better through humor

If you want to improve communication and employee interaction, this program is perfect for you.

Available as a 60-90 minute keynote, half-day or full-day workshop


What’s Your APP: Attitude Purpose & Priority: Change Your APP… Change Your Life!

Today’s workplace is ever-changing. The ability to have an adaptive mindset and how to flex during workplace transitions can lower your risk for anxiety, and improve your peer relationships. This motivational, and reality-based keynote addresses how your Attitude, Purpose and Priority ( APP) can directly improve both your life and career. Change your APP….change your life!

Learn to.….

  • Break conflict deadlocks with a 5-step process
  • Re-Frame and Re-Focus natural unhealthy behaviors to healthy conflict behaviors for productive outcomes
  • Stop conflict triggers with 6 resolution strategies
  • The tactic to make conflict your Secret Corporate Advantage

“Challenges are simply opportunities with the wrapping still on” – Robert Marble


Available as a 60-90 minute keynote, half-day or full-day workshop

Stop the Revolving Door of Turnover and Job Hopping

STOP throwing your money away! There is a high-cost to job-hopping. Explore the truths of why good employees leave. Based on current original research with 3,000 working millennials, participants will learn first hand why they leave and what you need to do to keep them happy at work… THE ANSWER- might surprise you!


  • The 7  strategic drivers to keeping good employees and the millennieal workforce from leaving
  • New leadership rules for engagement
  • The leaders NEW role for employee workplace satisfaction
  • 5 key questions EVERY organization needs / must answer to retain and attract Great Talent.
  • What you must do to stop job hopping

Keynote or customized organization facilitation for culture change that creates a place Where People Want To Work!


Available as a 60-90 minute Keynote, interactive half-day or full- day workshop

Transitions: Working Through Organizational Change

Navigating the waters of organizational change is often difficult. Change is all around us- and affects all aspects of our lives. From Typewriters to computers, from floppy discs to cloud computing, from 64K to 6 gig… no wonder we sometimes feel like we are in the white water rapids of change. Learn how to ride the current, maneuver around the boulders of change and how to win the race.

Learn how to….

  • Successfully navigate through the 3 phases of Change
  • Create positive outcomes in change situations
  • Utilize positive coping strategies that work during change situations
  • How to help others through each stage of change

You may fall short of being a communication expert…. but you will learn how to be more effective in times of change.

Available as a 60-90 minute Keynote or interactive half-day workshop

Professional Motivational Keynote Speaker & Business Speaker

Leading a multi-generational workforce
Get 10 Leadership Strategies for Building a Work Environment Where People are Excited and Want to Work for You!

Create a happier workplace and reduce job-hopping!

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